Pesca TartaFree

Great success of Tartaday in Province of Agrigento

Success of Tartaday in Province of Agrigento (TARTALIFE partners), with a significant involvement of swimmers and tourists in the dissemination and entertainment activities.

From morning in Linosa, were held meetings and entertainment activities. Guided tours with experts of the Center for Recovery of CTS, had the purpose to show to tourists the structure of the center, the tanks of hospitalization with specimens convalescents, and the nest in the beach of Pozzolan Ponent guarded by volunteers. In the late afternoon, from this area a sea turtle rehabilitated has taken the sea route again.

On the beach at Punta Grande, between Porto Empedocle and Realmonte, hundreds of people attended the release of sea turtles treated in the recovery center of Cattolica Eraclea. Previously, animators and actors involved in the project have distributed information leaflets and many boys involved in entertainment activities.

A few links of the event which was held on August 22 in Punta Grande:

Caretta Caretta: fifty turtles born in Agrigento

"Tarta-Day", in Punta Grande released a sea turtle

In Agrigento there is the "Tartaday", the day dedicated to the Caretta caretta

Caretta caretta, let'go for the "Tarta day": two events in the province

Video of the release of the turtle

News at Regional TV


TartaLife coordinated by

  • ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine - CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca

partner TartaLife

  • Area marina protetta - Isole Egadi
  • Area marina protetta - Isole Pelagie
  • Fondazione Cetacea Onlus
  • Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
  • Consorzio Unimar
  • Legambiente
  • Provincia Regionale Agrigento

co-financing TartaLife poject

  • Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
  • Regione Marche

contribution of

  • Life
  • Rete Natura 2000


ideazione e realizzazione web site di:

e-xtrategy - internet way

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