Pesca TartaFree

Save the date 21st of May: 25° Anniversary of LIFE Programme and EU Habitat Directive

TartaLife will partecipate to "European Natura 2000 Day",  25° Anniversary of the LIFE Programme and EU Habitat Directive.

TartaLife project, financed by the European Commission through the Life+ financial instrument and coordinated by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council of Ancona (CNR-ISMAR), will host the European Natura 2000 day with a series of events open to the entire population, which will explain the issues related to marine turtles, the project activities and the benefits achieved through the efforts of the European Union through the LIFE program.

In more detail, the European Natura 2000 day will involve a series of meetings and activities with tourists, together with the release of marine turtles rescued during winter at the TartaLife rescue centers.

The activities will be carried out at: AMP (Marine Protected Area) Isole Egadi (Favignana), Fondazione Cetacea Marine Turtle Rescue Center (Riccione), Marine Turtle Rescue Center Legambiente (Manfredonia), Marine Animals Rescue Center PN (National Park) Asinara

TartaLife project aims at reducing sea turtle mortality by reducing  bycatches caused by pelagic longline, bottom trawl and fixed nets disseminating circle hooks and TEDs (Turtle Excluder Devices) and testing UV lamps as deterrent for Sea Turtles and a new type of pot. The second goal is to reduce post-capture mortality, by training fishermen and strengthening the Marine turtles First Aid/Rescue Centres.


TartaLife coordinated by

  • ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine - CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca

partner TartaLife

  • Area marina protetta - Isole Egadi
  • Area marina protetta - Isole Pelagie
  • Fondazione Cetacea Onlus
  • Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
  • Consorzio Unimar
  • Legambiente
  • Provincia Regionale Agrigento

co-financing TartaLife poject

  • Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
  • Regione Marche

contribution of

  • Life
  • Rete Natura 2000


ideazione e realizzazione web site di:

e-xtrategy - internet way

via sant'Ubaldo, 36 - 60030 monsano (an) Italy
tel. +39.0731.60225