SCOPRITARTA - The second edition ends!
On May 30 will be the award ceremony of the Sicilian schools winners of the environmental education programme "Scopri-Tarta", coordinated for Sicily by the Free Consortium of Agrigento in the framework of the E3 action of the Tartalife project.
Classes belong to the primary and secondary schools of the provinces of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Palermo, Ragusa, Syracuse, Catania, Trapani and Messina who have joined the project, presenting a hundred works on the conservation of the Caretta Caretta sea turtle and on the threats that are putting the population in the Mediterranean at serious risk of extinction, and in particular professional fishing.
The awarding of schools will take place on May 30 at 15.00 at the theater "Pirandello" of Agrigento. The event will be preceded by the release of a rescued and rehabilitated specimen in the Lampedusa Rescue Center in San Leone (morning).