Pesca TartaFree

Testing of TED launched!

Sea trials for testing TED on bottom trawl nets started last 26th of February.

Experimental sea trials aimed at the testing performances and potential implementation in traditional bottom trawl nets of the TED (Turtle Excluder Devices) has been carried out on board the R/V "G. Dallaporta by CNR-ISMAR of Ancona in the period 26 of February - 16 of March, 2014. The research trials have been characterized by adverse weather and sea conditions.

TartaLife coordinated by

  • ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine - CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca

partner TartaLife

  • Area marina protetta - Isole Egadi
  • Area marina protetta - Isole Pelagie
  • Fondazione Cetacea Onlus
  • Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
  • Consorzio Unimar
  • Legambiente
  • Provincia Regionale Agrigento

co-financing TartaLife poject

  • Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
  • Regione Marche

contribution of

  • Life
  • Rete Natura 2000


ideazione e realizzazione web site di:

e-xtrategy - internet way

via sant'Ubaldo, 36 - 60030 monsano (an) Italy
tel. +39.0731.60225