Pesca TartaFree

Workshop “Best practices for the protection of the marine environment: the contribution of EU LIFE projects

20 Octber – Conference Room, Pavilion Expo Venice By the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea - Department SVI.

The EU's LIFE program has financed several projects on efficient management, conservation and sustainable use of water resources and protection of marine and coastal ecosystems.

The event Expo Venice Aquae stands as an opportunity to meet between LIFE beneficiaries to promote the exchange of best practices, compare the most significant experiences gained and results achieved under the various projects completed or under construction, as well as stimulating discussion of the most significant issues that emerged in the implementation of the same. The purpose of the initiative is to create an opportunity for constructive dialogue not only between LIFE beneficiaries, but also between them and all those who want to implement the results of the projects on the same themes under the different instruments provided by Community programming 2014-2020, in order to contribute to the desired complementarity between funds/European programs to achieve the common objectives in this field




The workshop will therefore characterized by a dynamic dialogue between the various LIFE beneficiaries and various stakeholders who will be able, with the support of appropriate methods of facilitation, to compete on the objectives, the results and suggestions of the LIFE projects.

Participation in the work of the workshop of key stakeholders, public and private, working in the water sector and the marine environment should favor, in the intention of the organizers, the activation of appropriate communication channels and a network of contacts, both national and European, which will promote the implementation of the results of successful LIFE projects and, consequently, in order to address the shared challenges of improving water quality, energy and water savings and the improvement and protection of the marine environment and coastal environment.

 Workshop registration:


Go to the website page of Venice Expo Aquae event


Go to LIFE 2007-2013 page of MATTM website 


On the next day (October 21) will be organized two visits to the project sites LIFE Seresto, LIFE Vimine e LIFE Wstore2.




TartaLife coordinated by

  • ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine - CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca

partner TartaLife

  • Area marina protetta - Isole Egadi
  • Area marina protetta - Isole Pelagie
  • Fondazione Cetacea Onlus
  • Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
  • Consorzio Unimar
  • Legambiente
  • Provincia Regionale Agrigento

co-financing TartaLife poject

  • Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
  • Regione Marche

contribution of

  • Life
  • Rete Natura 2000


ideazione e realizzazione web site di:

e-xtrategy - internet way

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tel. +39.0731.60225