Pesca TartaFree

TartaLife at the Festival Adriatico-Mediterraneo

TartaLife project will be introduced during the Festival Adriatico-Mediterraneo

A festival that wants to be an incentive to reflection on central issues of contemporaneity. Therefore, through Adriatico Mediterraneo 2014 the process of sharing themes and key issues for the future of the area progresses and expands. The goal is to develop a common feeling on the problems that are in common for cultures and peoples of the sea, contributing to make the project of the Macroregione Adriatico Ionica a design really encouraged from the bottom, as well as a development plan for economic cooperation and communal governance.

TartaLife coordinated by

  • ISMAR Istituto di Scienze Marine - CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca

partner TartaLife

  • Area marina protetta - Isole Egadi
  • Area marina protetta - Isole Pelagie
  • Fondazione Cetacea Onlus
  • Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
  • Consorzio Unimar
  • Legambiente
  • Provincia Regionale Agrigento

co-financing TartaLife poject

  • Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
  • Regione Marche

contribution of

  • Life
  • Rete Natura 2000


ideazione e realizzazione web site di:

e-xtrategy - internet way

via sant'Ubaldo, 36 - 60030 monsano (an) Italy
tel. +39.0731.60225